Build Your Own Fingerboard Skatepark
Seize your destiny, build a miniature skatepark!

If we build it, they will skate...
In November of 2014 Marty's second book, the ambitious kit Build Your Own Fingerboard Skatepark was published by Dog N' Bone Books.
The Fingerboard book was the first of several fruitful non sock puppet collaborations between Marty and his editor at Dog 'N Bone. In essence, because of Marty's demonstration of his ability to both come up with hot glue-based projects and his enthusiasm to write about it as demonstrated with "Sock Puppet Madness," Marty's edito wondered if he had any interest in the concept.
As a kid Marty loved skateboarding and all of the culture surrounding it, and as an adult Marty loves coming up with fun and easy-to-do crafting projects.

The result was this incredibly cool kit! We're still mesmerized by how wonderfully all of the packaging and designs came out for this project, and really proud to have been a part of it. It was so much fun to research and write.

Marty drew this one!
Like with "Sock Puppet Madness" before it, Marty illustrated this guy, too.
But it turns out technical illustrations are hard! Marty is really proud to have gotten through the arduous process, but insists he can check that one off the list for the rest of his days. He'll stick to silly drawings of sock puppets, please...

Marty was double-lucky to get to work with the incredible photographer Bryan Close of The Light Dynamic and Camera Monster shirts. He rocks!