Martysongs is largely on Bandcamp, though there are some songs on Spotify
Marty has been making solo songs in various forms for over 25 years. His solo songs are often the birthplace for many of his ideas that evolve into his writing, theater work, or more elaborate compositions with Uncle Monsterface and Mermaid Unicorn Mountain.
Here are a few selections via Bandcamp:
Sock Puppet
was created as a part of the 2022 RPM challenge. Which is to say all ten songs were written and recorded in the month of February, which was difficult and fun.
Some are about specific sock puppets Marty made and made Sock Puppet Portraits of. Others are about the general question of what it means to be a sock puppet. And still others just kind of reminded Marty of his rather sock puppet-y life and living it.
This is Marty’s first album to properly feature ukulele as the primary song-writing instrument.
Credits: produced and recorded by Marty Allen who performed all the stuff (vocals, uke, drum machine, samples, toy instruments, etc) Released February 28, 2022
Amphibians and Wake Up are short EP's collecting and reimagining some of Marty’s solo songs from his very early career, including unreleased tracks, limited release tracks, songs from his 2006-7 Song-a-day project, and occasionally some previously released songs as instrumentals. Rather than fully re-releasing Song-a-day, Marty instead wanted to present this material through a new lens, hopefully one that isn't quite as overwhelming as 90 songs...
Be Nice To Your Frens
was created as a part of the RPM Challenge 2020. RPM tasks you with making up 10 songs in the month of February. As such, every aspect of every song was written and recorded in the month of February, 2020. The process was equally challenging and delightful.
'Be Nice To Your Frens' is Marty’s first exclusively acoustic album. All of the instruments are played by Marty, and recorded very simply using the on-board microphone on his laptop and occasionally very basic distortion and/or chorus pedals. Marty recorded these songs using the instruments that were on-hand and embraced the sounds that he was making in the moment. As such, it is likely that this album is best listened to through your computer speaker, or maybe one single broken earphone. But you do you.