

Return of the Sock Puppet Portraits Kickstarter Is Here!!

Please support The Return of the Sock Puppet Portraits” Kickstarter! Running through August 18! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/martystuff/return-of-the-sock-puppet-portraits

I'm here to re-boot my ongoing body of artwork, The Sock Puppet Portraits, as a new Series of nine characters, and I want YOU to join me on this journey through and to Sock Puppet City. The re-boot is the first step and cornerstone in re-inventing my Sock Puppet City brand and building a sustainable future for selling my art and ideas. 

 Here are the nine characters I'm featuring! DAH NAH!


This new Series of Sock Puppet Portraits, includes eight (count 'em) EIGHT of the Greatest Hits from my many years of selling pictures of puppets and ONE (count it) ONE brand new iconic design: Sam the Sock! And you know what else? They'll be presented in exciting, attractive, and highly functional new packaging that I designed!

Marty Allen