

'Sock Puppet' the Album

Hi. I finished my 2022 The RPM Challenge! Here are ten new songs created exclusively in February from my scrappy new little album called, predictably enough: “SOCK PUPPET”.


Check it out for free or feel free to pay for it if you are digging my lil jams.

So yes, in a way, I decided to lean in to my current heavy-handed and super-branded sock puppet-y lifestyle. But in another, more real way, it’s some reflective self-reflection. Mirrors upon mirrors upon mirrors. One more mirror?

This lil pile of songs are, loosely speaking, inspired by sock puppets. Some are about very specific sock puppets I have made. Others are about the inevitable existential weirdness of BEING a puppet (and all that that entails). Still others just…feel rather puppety. The conceit is a loose one, but feels right.

The biggest conceit of all is that all the songs were made this month, and all feature me writing with and playing ukulele, which was challenging and wonderful. Thanks again Guy Capecelatro III, for roping me in.

The general hope is to use this little group of ditties and tunes as source material to make fun/strange/interesting videos for the aforementioned Sock Puppet City Youtube Channel. Hopefully that works out. See you there? (https://www.youtube.com/sockpuppetcity )

Strictly speaking, this is not a kid’s album. It’s not NOT a kid’s album, either (I made sure not to cuss). But I let it grow organically, so in a way it resembles my Sock Puppet Portraits, and probably follows their rag-tag tag-line of: “for cool and weird kids of all ages.”

Anyhow, I’m done!

Thanks for being awesome at listening!


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